Oh, dear. It really has been too long since I've been here at the blog. You see, school has got me quite bogged down. Midterms swooped in and nearly knocked me off my feet. And now I have psychology projects, Latin tests, lots of literature reading, and a big research paper... not the mention the looming finals that occur shortly into December.
I did finish "The Gilded Chamber" and loved it. I promise to post a review as soon as I have the ample time to sit down and write it. I also just started "Slammerkin." Oh, and it's less than a week now until National Novel Writing Month! There's still plenty of time to sign up, so get your booty over to NaNoWriMo.org and make the vow to churn out a 50k word novel in thirty days.
I'm slightly cringing at the thought of November. With classes, homework, Thanksgiving, books to read, and a 50,000-word novel to write...it's going to be one hectic month of all-nighters, delicious food, reading on the bus (because it's the only time I have time) and literary abandon! Even though I'd really like a part-time job right now, I suppose this is a good month to be thankful that I don't have that to add onto my plate.
I apologize for neglecting the blog(s). As much as I like to dilly-dally around here, I must force myself to remember that there are other more important things that come first: like my education. So while I'm oh-so-very tempted to spend more time than I should blogging away, I must go now and do laundry. (Because clean clothes come before blogging, too.)
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